Birth Control: A Male Perspective


When our dog, Leela recently went through her first heat, I gained a greater appreciation of the burden of responsibility placed upon women in matters of reproduction and birth control. As the master of a sexually intact female dog, taking the proper precautions against pregnancy was entirely my responsibility. It would be irresponsible [...]

Birth Control: A Female Perspective


In my recent article about woman’s cycle, I only briefly touched upon the topic of birth control. We hear various thoughts on the topic, from medical to political, but I don’t often hear an anthroposophic perspective, meaning, one which takes into account the wisdom of the human being.

There is much discussion about [...]

Woman’s Cycle


I, like many women of reproductive age, used to take oral contraceptives as a form of birth control, and also with the hopes of “regulating my cycle.” I desired very strongly to have a steady, consistent, predictable cycle. Often, I would even wish that I did not have to deal with the turmoil that [...]

What Yoga Has To Offer Education


As yoga has become more popular in the West there has been widespread discussion and debate as to what exactly yoga is. Recently, two parents in Encinitas, California, filed a lawsuit against the Encinitas Public School District in regards to their children being taught Ashtanga Yoga in school. This has raised an array [...]

Blessings and Beginnings


While searching for a movie to watch for the night, we recently stumbled upon a collection of magazines. A couple of headlines caught us off guard: “Drop 10 Pounds”; “Flatten Your Belly”; “Hotter, Carefree Sex”. Unable to resist the urge to see what was being presented in today’s pop-culture media, we opened up [...]